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Author: Atul Deulgaonkar

Dynamic climate outpaces static forecasters

India’s weather forecasters need to spruce up their act because farmers and ordinary citizens are suffering huge losses due to incorrect predictions on erratic rainfall brought on by climate change

There was a rarest of rare police complaint registered in July last year when farmer-activist Gangabhishan Tawre lodged a complaint against the Met department for deceptive weather forecasts…Read More

Water mismanagement deepens crisis in Marathwada town

There seems to be no relief in sight for Latur, which is reeling under a severe water shortage, with long queues and high prices making life miserable for citizens

There’s no sleep for Usha Mankoskar even at 1.20am at night. Employed as a domestic help in Latur, a provincial town in Marathwada, Mankoskar is patiently waiting her turn in a queue to fill her ghagar, a 5-litre jar. She’s likely…Read More

Deaths multiply in parched Marathwada

Worsened manifold by climate change, consecutive years of drought in Marathwada have heightened the water crisis so much in this region of western India that deaths related to the scarcity have increased, even forcing authorities to limit the number of people around a reservoir to avoid water riots

Rajshri Kamble of Gevarai village in Beed district of Marathwada wanted to help her mother…Read More