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Author: Maya Palit

Coal, oil and gas, the subsidy kings

India’s government talks of doing away with subsidies on food for the poor, but continues to heavily subsidise fossil fuels; the last of a three-part series on the subsidy skew

Between 1990 and 2012, India’s energy mix changed sharply, with coal becoming the dominant fuel. Traditional biomass — such as wood used in heating and cooking — lost share to coal, which increased to almost 45% in 2012, up…Read More

Electricity subsidies for poor are stolen by the rich

While over 20% of India’s population has no access to electricity, the richest 40% of the population gets highly subsidised power; the second of a three-part series on the subsidy skew

Along with coal mining, electricity is regulated by the state in India and subsidised. Electricity tariffs are kept deliberately low for poor households. Unfortunately much of this electricity is allocated in such a way that business and industrial…Read More

USD 277.3 billion: India’s 2014 fossil fuel subsidy bill

India, the world’s third largest energy consumer, spent USD 195.82 billion in subsidies to coal in 2014, USD 72.19 billion to petroleum and USD 9.29 billion to natural gas; a three-part series on the subsidy skew

Ramesh (not his real name) sits in front of plastic bottles and containers of yellowish liquid at Kothputli, a town between New Delhi and Rajasthan. He is one of many dozen young men involved…Read More