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Category: Negotiations

Experts call for greater focus on water at climate talks

The crucial issues of water supply, quality and availability are little discussed at negotiations like COP23, and funding for projects is falling short

Most impacts of climate change manifest themselves through water – be it floods, storms or droughts, sea level rises or ocean acidification that leads to coral bleaching. It is little wonder then that more than half the climate change adaptation plans…Read more

Earth approaching tipping point, warn scientists

‘Climate change is here, it is dangerous,’ Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, tells COP23 delegates

As global temperatures climb higher, the earth is approaching tipping points that threaten human security, leading scientists – including social scientists – have warned during the UN climate summit in Bonn…Read more

Climate insurance not enough for loss and damage

Insurance initiatives for those vulnerable to climate change impacts is a move in the right direction, but more needs to done to account for the loss and damage suffered by communities that have done little to add to global warming

Two major global insurance initiatives were launched at the Bonn climate summit that aim to provide insurance to hundreds of millions of…Read more

Big breakthrough at climate summit despite US

Despite stiff resistance from the developed world, India wins promise on accounting for action now at the UN climate summit

As President Donald Trump has already withdrawn the US government from the Paris Agreement and sent a letter to this effect to the UNFCCC, what are US government delegates doing in the negotiating rooms during the climate summit…Read More

Solar alliance brings sunshine to Bonn summit

A multilateral market platform for financial risk mitigation proposed at the Bonn climate summit is expected to create a transformative ecosystem for solar power in tropical countries

Countries with high solar power potential have put their muscle behind a common risk mitigation mechanism that could unlock up to USD 15 billion of investments to add 20 GW…Read More

Agriculture needs more investment for climate resilience

The international community at the Bonn climate summit needs to take faster action in ensuring funds for agriculture in emerging economies like India that are geared more towards adaptation than mitigation

Hunger is again rising globally after many years, particularly in developing countries such as India and its South Asian neighbours. The threat of climate change in lowering farm productivity….Read More