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New programme helps Indian firms control greenhouse gas emissions

As India continues to suffer the impacts of climate change, Indian businesses turn to the India Greenhouse Gas Programme to manage their carbon footprints. The programme currently manages 14% of the country’s emissions

As climate change unleashes coastal flooding, erratic rainfall, heat waves and increased glacier melting in the Himalayas, the need for India’s corporate sector to play a greater…Read more

Village digs a pond, prospers in era of frequent droughts

Led by a septuagenarian, residents of Bapu Gaon revived a pond to meet their water needs. In the process, they set a fine example of community leadership in building resilience to climate change effects

Kalyan Mal Singh, a 70-year-old village leader, picked up his broom before narrating his history of nature conservation. It is his leadership that saved Bapu Gaon village from a recurrent…Read more