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Climate change raises earthquake risk

As sea water warms due to climate change, it expands; this rise in volume upsets the balance of tectonic plates, says a new study, adding that the Gangetic delta in South Asia is particularly vulnerable

An earthquake is building up under the Gangetic delta, which could possibly be linked with the rapid rise in global temperatures leading to climate change…Read More

The Majuli beetle turns from pest to delicacy

A beetle menace brought about by climate change in Majuli, a large island on the Brahmaputra River in Assam, has been ingeniously brought under control by turning it into a culinary delicacy

The farmers of Majuli, an island on the Brahmaputra River in Assam, have turned the beetles that attacked their crops into their newest cuisine. Majuli, one of the largest…Read More

High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy

A new World Bank reports finds that water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change, could hinder economic growth, spur migration, and spark conflict. However, most countries can neutralize the adverse impacts of water scarcity by taking action to allocate and use water resources more efficiently…Read more

Climate change will claim 160,000 lives a year in India by 2050

As global warming starts lowering food production around the world, many more people will die in densely populated and vulnerable countries such as India

By 2050, climate change will lower food availability by 3.2%, and fruits and vegetables by 4%, an Oxford study has predicted, significantly increasing the incidence of climate-related deaths…Read More